November means it’s time for another Locus red to be released. This year, we’re happy to introduce the 2015 Locus Nord, the yin to the yang of the 2015 Locus Sud. “Nord” is the French word for “north” and we’ve fashioned this wine after some of our favorite Northern Rhône blends, which must be Syrah-dominant by law. It’s 64% Syrah (from the Strand and Gamache vineyards), 23% Cinsault and 13% Mourvèdre (both from the 7 Mile vineyard). While the Syrah dominates, the Cinsault brings bold fruit to the front of the palette, while the Mourvèdre adds a dark finish. We’re excited to share our inaugural Nord blend with the masses!
As always, we’ll be showcasing the current line-up of Locus wines, all paired with specially-designed culinary bites from Esca Catering. There will also be an exclusive treat in store for our Socius wine club members to enjoy. Come join us to celebrate the start of the holiday season and the release of the 2015 Locus Nord!
Here is what the menu looks like:

When? Saturday, November 11th, 2-6PM
Where? 1515 Madrona Drive, Seattle, WA 98122
How to RSVP? Click here to RSVP on Facebook. Or reply to this email for group RSVPs.
How much? Tasting is free. We can only serve adults 21 years and older.
This event is not suitable for kids due to adult content, strong language, sharp corners and strategically-placed booby traps specifically designed to ward off people under 17.
To see pictures from previous events like this one, visit The Gallery page.
#pearlandstonewineco #locuscinsault #winetasting #cinsault #2015LocusNord #seattlewine #locussemillon #seattlewinetasting #2015locussud #seattlewine #grenache #winespectator #stonetreevineyard #locuswineevent #wawine #summerofwawine #tonyazici #mourvedre #wineevent #richburton #dineenvineyards #merlot #Madronawinetasting